CEO’s Message

In the Name of God
Dear Recipient,
As a manager who has had the privilege of gaining extensive experience in both field and administrative roles across various sectors and has always been deeply committed to the comprehensive development of this land, I firmly believe that the establishment of the Persian Gulf Infrastructure Supply and Development Company—formed through an innovative and participatory management approach after evolving from a creative idea based on dynamic thinking—presents an unparalleled opportunity to open a new and transformative path for serving the people and creating fresh opportunities for progress and prosperity.
The vision and roadmap we have outlined for the company are rooted in a profound belief and deep conviction that:
Your life quality matters to us.
This means that the outcome of all our actions must lead to an improved standard of living, enhanced public welfare, social vitality, and well-being within the framework of a healthy and sustainable environment.
Years ago, during my participation in the 11th World Congress on Water Resources and Environment in Madrid, Spain, where I presented a specialized paper, we engaged in expert discussions on wastewater treatment in dedicated panels. This experience provided a wealth of new ideas for ensuring environmental sustainability and water recycling, leading to the development of a mechanism for establishing an organization with the participation of major industries.
At our company, we are committed to leveraging knowledge-based activities and utilizing valuable, practical ideas to transform neglected issues—often perceived as threats—into unique, value-generating opportunities. Our first step in fulfilling this mission has been addressing one of Bandar Abbas’s chronic challenges: wastewater discharge into the sea and its resulting pollution. By the grace of God, our relentless efforts continue toward realizing the long-standing aspiration of the people—to bring about a transformation in wastewater recycling and ensure a healthy environment.
We firmly believe that with an agile organizational structure, specialized human resources, continuous collaboration with academic and industrial institutions, and efficient operational methods, our company—based on its charter—will emerge as a powerful enabler in executing various local and national infrastructure projects.
In this journey, we sincerely appreciate the commendable commitment of certain industries and economic enterprises that, in fulfilling their corporate social responsibility, have provided financial and moral support to the Persian Gulf Infrastructure Supply and Development Company. Additionally, we deeply value the collaboration of the Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) and the senior leadership of Hormozgan Province for their unwavering support.
Shahrooz Shojaei
CEO & Vice Chairman of the Board