Ongoing Projects
Reconstruction, Upgrade, Development, and Operation of Bandar Abbas Wastewater Treatment Plant and Main Pumping Station (EPC Method)
The project includes:
- Reconstruction of the existing wastewater treatment plant while maintaining its operation
- Increasing treatment capacity from 65,000 cubic meters to 100,000 cubic meters
- Renovation and capacity upgrade of the main wastewater pumping station in Bandar Abbas
- Operation and maintenance of facilities for 36 months after the construction phase
Project Progress
Construction of Advanced Wastewater Treatment and Desalination Facilities
The project includes:
- Engineering services for project design
- Construction of advanced treatment and desalination buildings, including DAF units, sand filters, RO and UF units, etc.
- Procurement, transportation, installation, and commissioning of electromechanical equipment for various project units
- Operation of the facility for two years
Project Progress
Construction of a Water Storage Reservoir in the Northern Site of the Persian Gulf Special Economic Zone for Mining and Metal Industries
The project includes:
- Construction of a 40,000 cubic meter water storage reservoir in the development site of the Persian Gulf Special Economic Zone
- Construction of auxiliary buildings, including security, administrative, and chlorination facilities
- Procurement, transportation, installation, and commissioning of electromechanical equipment, including pipes, valves, fittings, chlorination equipment, etc.
- Construction of an access road, perimeter wall, and landscaping
Project Progress
Construction of the Treated Wastewater Distribution Network in the Persian Gulf Special Economic Zone
- Procurement phase:
- Supply of 22 km of pipelines with diameters ranging from 450 mm to 1200 mm (polyethylene and steel)
- Supply of valves, fittings, and related accessories
- Implementation phase:
- Installation of 22 km of steel and polyethylene pipelines (450 mm to 1200 mm)
- Construction of 80 valve chambers and approximately 430 meters of pipe jacking
- Construction of a 15 km service road
Project Progress
Pipe Supply
Procurement, Construction, Installation, and Commissioning of Equipment for the Wastewater Recycling Pumping Station in Bandar Abbas
The project includes:
- Procurement, transportation, installation, and commissioning of:
- Five pumps, each with a capacity of 1,250 cubic meters per hour and 142-meter head
- Three power transformers with a capacity of 250 KVA
- One 10-ton six-function overhead crane
Project Progress
Expansion and Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Networks to Reduce Salinity and Sand Infiltration
The project includes:
- Financing the expansion and rehabilitation of the sewage collection network in neighborhoods near Khur Goorsuzan (Chahestaniha, beltways, and Ayatollah Ghafari)
- Installation of polyethylene pipelines with diameters ranging from 200 mm to 600 mm
Project Progress